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Happy Twins


From the founders Jason & Lydia

2018年大兒子快一歲的時候,我和先生考慮把兒子送到childcare,我們就為此禱告,求神預備最適合的childcare給他。但是神最終卻感動我自己開辦一個childcare。當我們決心順服後,我們很順利找到更適合的房子和合作老師,並在2018年8月開始了我們的home childcare。當時的初衷就是希望能有一個讓父母放心的childcare,因為我自己也是一個媽媽,我理解父母把這麼小的孩子送出去的擔憂和複雜的心情。在過去的三年期間,我們也遇到過很多的挑戰,有不同背景的家庭和孩子,外加自己又懷孕,有很多力不從心,有很多不同的嘗試和摸索,也有很多想法不能落實的虧欠。但是上帝的心意卻越發的顯明,讓我看到這一群孩子在神國度何等的寶貴,也看到神看待他們是何等貴重的。我們也有了想法要繼續做daycare center。最終,我們在神的帶領下成立了Jesus loves children missions group 這個非營利機構。也在一天禱告的時候,得到清晰的感動:這些孩子雖然小,但是他們會長成神國的精兵。他們就是天國。同時給我的經文是馬太福音13:31-32 因此,我們的幼兒園命名為 little seed. 而這個單數的seed 也表明神看中每一個個體,他寶貴每一粒小小的種子。 在尋找這個場地和整個的申請過程我們都經歷許多神奇妙的帶領,我們單單把榮耀歸給神。也求神繼續帶領這個幼兒園,成就他親自要成就的。來祝福這地,祝福這些孩子和家庭。而我們,在這一切上因著能與神同工,經歷他的真實,只有感恩,感謝神使用我們,並讚美他一切的作為。

In 2018 when my son has almost turn one year old, my husband and I were planning to send him to childcare. We prayed together that God would provide a suitable childcare for him. However, God had inspired me to established our own childcare and on August, 2018, we had started our home childcare service. As a mother I understood the anxiety and worries of parents sending their child to a childcare center and it was my intention to provide a safe and trusted environment for the families. In the past three years, we had faced many challenges with children from different background, as well as trial and error for trying different approach for the childcare. God had shown His way to me how children are so precious to Him and in his Kingdom, and we had decided to continue with our childcare service and established "Jesus Loves Children Missions Group" as a non-profit organization. On the same day during my prayer, I had a clear vision that although these children are still small, they will grow and put on the armor of God. We named our childcare center "Little Seed" that God and myself would see every child as a precious little seed. We had experienced God in every way including finding a school location and licensing application process. May God bless this childcare center, every child and family. Praise the Lord and I am grateful to serve these children as a ministry!

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